1. Converting MP3 to FLV.
You can convert any MP3 file into FLV format as easy as to open MP3 to FLV page and choose a source file. Target file name will be generated automatically, though it is possible to assign it manually. You can click yellow «Folder» buttons to choose a source file as well as to assign the destination file. Please choose an existing directory to save the output file or create a new directory using «Save File» dialog tools.
After that click Start button. As a result, a new FLV file will be created.
CAUTION: FLV format officially supports MP3 stream with a constant bitrate only and with few framerates: 11.025 kHz, 22.050 kHz and 44.1 kHz. Audiotracks with other parameters may play incorrectly or may not be in synch with the videotrack, if videotrack is included.
You can use several MP3 encoding/decoding tools to convert your MP3 file into a file with proper stream parameters. For example, FlashDigger Plus tool includes both MP3 decoder and encoder, so it is easy to convert any MP3 file into uncompressed WAV format and then compress it back to MP3 format, compliaint with FLV audiotrack standard. You might visit for more entertainment.
2. Applying a new MP3 soundtrack to FLV video.
This type of conversion is performed using the same MP3 to FLV page. All you need is to choose a FLV file, containing videotrack, as the target file. After such choice extended options will be activated. Now you need to select «Update AudioTrack» option. In addition you can set «Create Backup copy» checkbox to save your original FLV file with .bakextention.
After that click Start button. As a result, the new audiotrack will be applied to your FLV file.
Please take a look at the CAUTION above. It is in force here too.
3. Converting FLV to MP3.
Choosing FLV to MP3 page you can extract the audiotrack from FLV files. Here you need to choose the source FLV file, containing audiotrack. FLV files can have audiotracks in several compressed formats, but this software supports audiotracks in uncompressed PCMformat, MP3 format and Nellymoser Asao compressed format only.
♦ Audiotracks in uncompressed PCM format can be saved in WAVformat.
♦ Audiotracks in MP3 format can be saved as MP3 file.
♦ Audiotracks, having Nellymoser Asao compression, can be saved either in uncompressed PCM (WAV) format or can be recompressed into MP3 format with adjustable bitrate and framerate, and saved as MP3 file. This recompression is performed «on-the-fly». Of course, in the last case this is not a «lossless» conversion.
Just choose a source FLV file. Target file name will be generated automatically, with an extention, depending on the audiotrack format. It is possible to assign target file name manually. You can click yellow «Folder» buttons to choose a source file as well as to assign the destination file. Please choose an existing directory to save the output file or create a new directory using «Save File» dialog tools. Please set the output compression format, if your source audiotrack allows its saving in several formats. If it is available, please choose target MP3 compression parameters: target framerate and bitrate. It is recommended to keep them close to the original values, shown in the status line.
After that click Start button. As a result, audiotrack from the source FLV file will be extracted and saved in the chosen format.
4. Converting MP3 to SWF.
Using MP3 to SWF page you can easily convert any MP3 file into Flash movie file (in SWF format) with streaming sound embedded. You can adjust SWF movie framerate, which does not affect to audio framerate, but it may be useful if you’ll control this movie playback, for example, using JavaScript and Flash variables. Also you can set such options, as Loop Sound and Stop Sound at the end, which will control your movie playback regardless to the client- side Flash Player settings.
Just choose a source MP3 file. Target file name will be generated automatically, though it is possible to assign it manually. You can click yellow «Folder» buttons to choose a source file as well as to assign the destination file. Please choose an existing directory to save the output file or create a new directory using «Save File» dialog tools.
After that click Start button. As a result, a new SWF file will be created.
5. Converting SWF to FLV.
Using SWF to FLV page you can easily convert SWF file, having embedded streaming sound and/or videotrack, into Flash Video streaming format (FLV). This type of conversion has no adjustments, because all audio/video parameters are transferred into FLV file without any recompression.
Just choose a source SWF file. Target FLV file name will be generated automatically, though it is possible to assign it manually. You can click yellow «Folder» buttons to choose a source file as well as to assign the destination file. Please choose an existing directory to save the output file or create a new directory using «Save File» dialog tools.
After that click Start button. As a result, a new FLV file will be created.
6. Converting FLV to SWF.
Using FLV to SWF page you can easily convert FLV file into FLash movies (SWF files), having embedded streaming sound and/or videotrack. Video is not recompressed, when such conversion is performed. As for audiotrack, FLV files have one peculiarity, absent in SWF format – they support a special audio encoding format: Nellymoser Asao compression with 8 kHz sampling rate. Therefore such FLV audiotrack is converted into MP3 format with adjustable framerate and bitrate, when such FLV file is converted into SWF format. This audio conversion is done «on-the-fly».
Just choose a source FLV file. Target SWF file name will be generated automatically, though it is possible to assign it manually. You can click yellow «Folder» buttons to choose a source file as well as to assign the destination file. Please choose an existing directory to save the output file or create a new directory using «Save File» dialog tools.
After that click Start button. As a result, a new SWF file will be created.
CAUTION: SWF format has official limitation for embedded videotrack duration of 16,000 frames total per SWF file regardless to the number of embedded videoclips. It means, that it is impossible to insert one videoclip of 16,000 frames and then insert yet another videoclip. FLV file in contrast has no similar limitations.
You may get appropriate warning message, if you’ll convert a long FLV file into SWF format.
7. Joining FLV files.
Using Join FLV page you can easily join FLV file into one continuous FLV file. It is not as easy as to concatenate single files, as each of them has its own embedded timeline. This tool performs file concatenation and creates a valid timeline within joined FLV file. None of video/audio recompression is done in such conversion process.
Just use «+» button to add source FLV files into the file list. Also you can use Drad&Drop; technique to transfer source files from Windows Explorer window into the filelist box. You can change files order by Upand Down buttons, located at right side.
After that click Start button. As a result, a new FLV file will be created.
8. Splitting FLV files.
Using Splt FLV page you can easily cut off a portion from FLV file with video/audio tracks and save it into FLV or SWF format. SWF export option works for portions, containing upto 16,000 videoframes only (see CAUTION above).
Just choose a source FLV file. Target FLV file name will be generated automatically, though it is possible to assign it manually. Please remember, that source and target filenames can’t be the same. You can click yellow «Folder» buttons to choose a source file as well as to assign the destination file. Please choose an existing directory to save the output file or create a new directory using «Save File» dialog tools.
You can adjust start and end time values to cut the FLV portion off. Just drag appropriate slider and see the time value at the right-side window. There are fine tuning buttons, pressing on which you can change cut off position with single frame accuracy.
IMPORTANT: Please remember, that videotrack always begins from a keyframe. Therefore Start Position slider can be positioned only to video keyframes. End position slider can be positioned to any frame. Of course, this restriction is related only to FLV files, having videotrack. Such limitation is not applicable to audio-only FLV files, as every audio frame can be considered as a keyframe.
FLV File Preview is available in a nonmodal popup window, if you click the «Preview» button. A video player appears, where you can see the splitted FLV file. It is possible to adjust start and end position splitters, as well as press Fine Tuning buttons without closing Preview window. Video preview will be updated immediately, as you press «Preview» button.
Click Start button to save chosen file portion. As a result, the chosen portion of the source FLV file will be saved in the selected format.
FLV File player, shown here, is available for free, as a standalone Windows application. Please open